Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's a ...

Devin and I couldn't be more excited to start our new little family with a boy. We feel so blessed to have the opportunity to become parents and grow to love, adore, and teach this little guy. We both have thought from the very beginning that it would be a boy, but in all the books I've read they say that most all the time it ends up being the opposite of what you think. Well we proved them wrong! On my side of the family there are a total of 6 grandkids and 2 on the way. There are 5 little girls with one on the way and 1 boy our lonely ranger. We are excited to give my nephew a little buddy to play with! This morning devin and I went to Ultrasona, similar to Fetal Foto, to have the ultrasound done to determine the gender. We were able to get alot of fun pictures of him and he was moving around alot so it made it easy to see him at all different angles. Below I have posted some of my favorite pictures. It's amazing what our technology now a days is capable of doing. Hope you all enjoy the pictures as much as we do.

Can you see him smiling at you? I think he wanted to show his mom and dad that he has a sweet sense of humor! :)

In this picture you can see his arm cruled up by his head, his legs, and his cute little face! Who do you think think he looks most like devin or I?


Colin, Jamie and Presley Kent said...

Woo Hoo!! Congrats, I told you I thought it would be a boy! Your ultrasound pictures make me want to cry...I never thought I would say it, but I miss being pregnant and feeling my little baby kicking around!! Enjoy every second even when you feel like you are as big as a house, because it goes by so fast. We couldn't be happier for you two. We miss you guys so much! When you get in town next week we need to go shopping, and I know all of the best baby shops...I can't wait! Love you!

The Green's said...

Cutest pictures! We are so excited to have another boy in the family! Today when I talked to you on the phone it took me back to when we first saw Londyn and how neat it is to see the little person inside! I miss being pregnant like crazy! I have to diddo what Jamie said cherish every minute of it even when you are not feeling well and feel huge it goes by too fast. Love ya!

P.S. Devin we will miss not seeing you this weekend:(

Stacy said...


Rachel said...

Wow it really is amazing what technology can do! That is so so fun to know what you are having. it feels so much more real when you know~ I'm so happy for you guys. And Addie will love playin with the little guy at family parties!!

ash and jonny said...

yay! how fun, congrats! i'm so excited for you guys!

Jason and Tawni said...

Yay! Congratulations to you and Devin. Enjoy every minute of being pregnant. It will go by soooo fast and the next thing you know, it's over. You will be uncomfortable, moody, and tired but it will all be worth it when your little guy arrives. I am soooooo excited for you both!

Emily said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you guys. How fun will a little boy be? He is going to be so cute. I am looking forward to seeing what he looks like. You guys are in such a fun time right now try to enjoy every minute of it. You'll never get this experience back so even though it can be hard sometimes try to soak it all in. Good luck and keep be updated on everything.

The Days said...

I knew it! Congrats! Little boys are so much fun! I am so happy for you guys!

Lindsay Wright said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you guys. I can totally see you having the most darling little boy ever. I love the ultrasound pics. Its so amazing that you can see such detail. Cant wait to see you guys...hopefully soon!

The Theler's said...

Congrats... I told Joel I thought it was a boy! Im so happy for you. Joel said to me "Dont get any ideas". After seeing those cute ultrasound pics it makes you want to do it all over again. Can't wait to see you. We miss you guys so much. Love ya

brookeandruss said...

Congrats! He is going to be a hot little stud!

Copinga's said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. He will be a very cute baby. I agree with you by the way I hope Deanna chooses Jason, he is way cute and Jessie doesn't seem her type. I guess we will have to wait and see!! Cross our fingers.

The Saba Fam said...

Congrats! Those 3D pictures are so neat- he looks perfect :) We are so excited for you guys!

Jess said...

Yea for boys! That is exciting! My mom said she saw you in church today and said you won't be back until like after August, is that right? Well, let's hang out when you do. Oh, and there are a bunch of fun townhomes for rent right around us in Murray. We love our ward and all the young couples in it are soo fun. So maybe. . .

Unknown said...

hey congratulations!!! im so excited for you guys!!!!! those are the cutest little pictures!

Krista said...

Yay!! Congrats!! Boys are the best- well I wouldn't really know any different. To answer your essay question I love my sling because it is super comfy for me and for baby- it puts him right to sleep. It's a convenient way to carry him and leaves you totally hands free. It works all the way up to toddler age. Trey even fits in it. I totally recommend one. Tiffany Copple makes them. Her website is

Sarah said...

yepee! a boy! a healthy boy!

casey.chelsea.cali said...

Yea!!!! We couldn't be happier for y'all! So have you felt him move yet? I didn't feel Calli move until about 20 weeks and even then it was hard to tell. Hope you are feeling great! Congrats!

The Morzelewski Family said...

Yay!!! Boys are so much fun! I am so glad I had a boy first :-) Now the fun part of being pregnant....Shopping!!!! I am so happy for you guys, congrats!